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From YouTube: Kube-native Postgres [I] - Josh Berkus, RedHat


Kube-native Postgres [I] - Josh Berkus, RedHat

Database systems remain the last frontier for Kubernetes, and at the Patroni Project we're working on conquering it. Having fully automated PostgreSQL clusters using Patroni, the project is now working on making Patroni more "Kubernetes native", so that SQL databases can be seen simply as a PostgreSQL resource.

In this talk, we will explain and demonstrate the current projects integrating Patroni PostgreSQL with Kubernetes, including:

* Patroni Operator, using the CoreOS Operator pattern
* Kube-native Patroni, which uses the Kubernetes controller instead of its own management

These works in progress will both acquaint attendees with tools they can use for their own high-availability database architectures, and explore some areas where Kubernetes could improve to support database systems better.

About Josh Berkus
Josh Berkus works on Project Atomic at Red Hat, where he is helping build the immutable infrastructure of the future. He loves Atomic Host, Kubernetes, distributed systems, Ansible, container building, PostgreSQL, Django, Python, community building, and the Oxford Comma. Josh lives in Portland with an overly large cat, where he cooks from his garden and makes pottery.
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