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From YouTube: Kubernetes Feature Prototyping with External Controllers and Custom Resource Definitions


Kubernetes Feature Prototyping with External Controllers and Custom Resource Definitions [I] - Tomas Smetana, Red Hat

Getting patch into Kubernetes might be difficult. Getting a new feature into Kubernetes is... even more interesting experience. When working on the persistent volume snapshotting feature we realized that the straightest path might not lead us where we wanted, Our original idea of adding few API objects and a controller become more complicated when we presented it to the community. So we took a small detour by creating the feature out-of-tree first.

In the talk I will describe the journey of the volume snapshotting feature, how do the external controllers work, what are Custom Resource Definitions and how to add features to Kubernetes without changing its code base.

About Tomas Smetana
Tomas is a an Engineering manager in Red Hat. He is an Open Source enthusiast who used to work on various userspace Linux components contributing to several FOSS projects. For the past one year he is active in the Kubernetes Storage SIG.
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