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From YouTube: Distributed Workflows for Microservices-Style Applications [I] - Yun Qin, Nirmata


Distributed Workflows for Microservices-Style Applications [I] - Yun Qin, Nirmata

Microservices-style architectures solve several problems but also introduce new complexities. With Microservices, a best practice is to keep services isolated and loosely coupled. However, in the real world, it is not uncommon to encounter business logic which requires coordination across multiple business functions i,e. microservices.

The distributed workflow pattern addresses this problem. In this presentation we will describe the distributed workflow pattern and its use cases. We will then look at various implementations of this pattern, such as Netflix Conductor, AWS Simple Workflow Service and NirmataOSS Workflow.

We will end by showing a demonstration of a distributed workflow, running on a Kubernetes cluster and show how workflow managers can leverage Kubernetes features like Horizontal Pod Autoscaling.

Yun is a software enginner in Nirmata, a company deliverring integrated solutions for multi-cloud application management. Yun has extensive experience in distributed system application development and operations. Prior to joining Nirmata, Yun worked as a senior network engineer at China Unicom, one of the biggest telecommunication company in China. Yun holds a M.S. in Computer Science Engineering from Santa Clara University.
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