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From YouTube: Hybrid-Cloud, HIPAA Compliant Enterprise with Kubernetes - Steve Sloka, Heptio


Hybrid-Cloud, HIPAA Compliant Enterprise with Kubernetes - Steve Sloka, Heptio

This talk will outline how UPMC Enterprises utilizes Kubernetes on-premises and in a public cloud (AWS). We’ll see how a large enterprise balances SaaS offerings vs Kubernetes hosted services. We will walk through our approach to meet HIPAA compliance and how our deployments and underlying infrastructure changed to meet those requirements.

We'll also look at the Elasticsearch Operator which is an example of how we implement stateful applications. The operator ensures encryption at rest, in transit and provides a managed cloud offering inside Kubernetes. Also, we’ll look at how we implement Kong, an API Gateway in combination with Kubernetes Network Policies to ensure applications are limited to what they can access as well as how security is implemented outside of code.

Healthcare systems have a history of being large and complex, but Kubernetes has allowed UPMC Enterprises to be more agile and bring startup innovations to the enterprise.

About Steve Sloka
Steve Sloka is a Sr. Systems Software Engineer from Pittsburgh, PA currently working at Heptio dealing with all things Cloud, Containers, and Kubernetes. At UPMC Enterprises he managed the open source initiative and has been working with k8s since early 2015.
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