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From YouTube: Building Specialized Container-Based Systems with Moby: A Few Use Cases [I] - Patrick Chanezon


Building Specialized Container-Based Systems with Moby: A Few Use Cases [I] - Patrick Chanezon, Docker

Moby is an open source project providing a "LEGO set" of dozens of components, the framework to assemble them into specialized container-based systems, and a place for all container enthusiasts to experiment and exchange ideas.
One of these assemblies is Docker CE, an open source product that lets you build, ship, and run containers.

This talk will explain how you can leverage the Moby project to assemble your own specialized container-based system, whether for IoT, cloud or bare metal scenarios.
We will cover Moby itself, the framework, and tooling around the project, as well as many of it’s components: LinuxKit, InfraKit, containerd, SwarmKit, Notary.
Then we will present a few use cases and demos of how different companies have leveraged Moby and some of the Moby components to create their own container-based systems.

About Patrick Chanezon
Patrick Chanezon is Chief Developer Advocate at Docker Inc. He helps to build Docker, the world’s leading software container platform, for developers and sysadmins.
Software developer and storyteller, he spent 10 years building platforms at Netscape & Sun, then 10 years evangelizing platforms at Google, VMware & Microsoft. His main professional interest is in building and kickstarting the network effect for these wondrous two-sided markets called Platforms.
He has worked on platforms for Portals, Ads, Commerce, Social, Web, Distributed Apps, and Cloud.
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