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From YouTube: Establishing Container Trust at Scale [I] - Tim Mackey, Black Duck Software


Establishing Container Trust at Scale [I] - Tim Mackey, Black Duck Software

Quantifying risks in a container image is a critical aspect of production deployments. With orchestration clusters supporting thousands of nodes, any risk assessment solution must work at production scale. Once a trusted image is deemed vulnerable, application risk increases, but which applications are impacted, and how far has trust been broken? Trust is established through best practices including the use of trusted image registries, static code analysis, fuzzing, strong perimeter defenses and deployment controls. Unfortunately, this trust model omits information flow.
Malicious actors succeed when applications are most vulnerable. When devising action plans in response to security disclosures, defenders must quickly assess both the impact and scope of the disclosure. This time to remediation requires accurate and actionable vulnerability assessments as applications are created, deployed and scaled. Enhancing security information flow accelerates risk mitigation at production scale.

About Tim Mackey
Tim Mackey is a technology evangelist for Black Duck Software specializing in the secure deployment of applications using virtualization, cloud and container technologies. Prior to joining Black Duck, Tim was most recently the community manager for XenServer and was part of the Citrix Open Source Business Office. Tim has held roles in mission critical engineering, performance monitoring, and large-scale data center operations. He has spoken globally on a variety of topics and at well-known events such as OSCON, LinuxCon, CloudOpen, Interop, CA World, Cloud Connect, USENIX LISA and the CloudStack Collaboration Conference. Mr. Mackey is an O'Reilly published author.
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