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From YouTube: Providing Containerized Cinder Services to Baremetal Kubernetes Clusters [I] - John Griffith, NetApp


Providing Containerized Cinder Services to Baremetal Kubernetes Clusters [I] - John Griffith, NetApp & Huamin Chen, Red Hat

Kubernetes deployments running on OpenStack clusters require a full OpenStack: Keystone, Nova, and Cinder services.

This talk presents a more pervasive and simplified deployment architecture by integrating Containerized standalone Cinder services with baremetal Kubernetes. Cinder services offer many storage features that are still missing in Kubernetes. Cinder is supported by many storage vendors, with over 70 storage drivers in its repository. A Containerized standalone Cinder service makes these features and extensive storage products available to Kubernetes cluster.

Key to this architecture is a Kubernetes volume provisioner that provisions Cinder volumes and transparently converts Cinder volumes to Kubernetes supported storage types, such as iSCSI, Fibre Channel, NFS, or Ceph RBD.

Based on the these technologies, the new architecture enables enterprise customers to deploy Container services in a dedicated cluster and consume advanced storage features.

About Huamin Chen
A passionate system software developer, Huamin Chen contributes to open source projects spanning from A to Z: Apache BigTop, Ceph, fio, Gluster, Kubernetes, Tachyon, and ZFS. Huamin Chen is currently employed by Red Hat. Follow him at

About John Griffith
John Griffith, Principal Software Engineer at SolidFire now a part of NetApp, helped to create the Cinder project in OpenStack. Primary responsibilities are upstream contributions to cloud related open source technologies. Currently active in Kubernetes Storage SIG, CNCF CSI project and various other communities.

John has over fifteen years of engineering experience in both hardware and software engineering. He’s been an active user and contributor to open source for over a decade. In addition to his technical contributions, John also spends a lot of his time talking to people who are interested in learning about various Cloud technologies as well as gathering feedback from current users.
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