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From YouTube: The Architecture of a Multi-Cloud Environment with Kubernetes [I] - Brian Redbeard, CoreOS


The Architecture of a Multi-Cloud Environment with Kubernetes [I] - Brian Redbeard, CoreOS

Kubernetes is an orchestration platform that enables running distributed systems, which are designed with the philosophy of spreading wide to best prepare for outages. This is achieved by deploying your cloud applications at least across multiple hosts, and at best across multiple cloud vendors. Getting Kubernetes configured to run across multiple cloud environments, including on-premises, hybrid deployments, is a tricky undertaking. Hybrid deployments are a feature many organizations want to implement for a variety of reasons, including security over their data, reliability, and more.

Brian Redbeard, chief architect at CoreOS, will discuss the importance of using open source tools to prevent cloud vendors from locking their users into their walled gardens, and will explore the challenges of making Tectonic, CoreOS’s Kubernetes implementation, able to run on multiple cloud platforms.

About Brian Redbeard
Brian Harrington, also known as Redbeard, is chief architect at CoreOS. He is a developer, hacker, and technical writer in the areas of open-source development and systems administration. His time spent in both defensive and offensive computing have combined with his readings of classical anarchism to present new ideas in organizational hierarchies for software development. He has been featured on Al Jazeera as an expert in the field of computer security, and has been seen and heard on Bloomberg Television and National Public Radio. He currently resides in Oakland, CA and was grudgingly elected president of the hackerspace HacDC.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.