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From YouTube: Keynote: CNCF Project Updates - Michelle Noorali, Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft Azure


Keynote: CNCF Project Updates - Michelle Noorali, Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft Azure

Project representatives will share their updates:
Linkerd update, presented by Oliver Gould
Fluentd update, presented by Eduardo Silva
Prometheus update, presented by Tom Wilkie

About Michelle Noorali
Michelle is a software engineer on the Azure Container Service team at Microsoft and a core maintainer on the Kubernetes Helm project. She co-leads SIG-Apps which is the Kubernetes special interest group for running and managing applications and workloads on Kubernetes. She has previously spoken at CloudNativeCon/KubeCon 2016 EU & NA.

About Oliver Gould
Oliver is the CTO of Buoyant, where he leads open source development efforts. Prior to joining Buoyant, he was a staff infrastructure engineer at Twitter, where he was the tech lead of Observability, Traffic, and Configuration & Coordination teams. He is the creator of linkerd and a core contributor to Finagle, the high-volume RPC library used at Twitter, Pinterest, Soundcloud, and many other companies.

About Eduardo Silva
Eduardo is an Open Source Engineer at Treasure Data. He currently leads the efforts to make logging more scalable in Containerized and Orchestrated systems such as Kubernetes.

About Tom Wilkie
Tom is the founder of Kausal, a new company working on Prometheus & Cortex. Previously he worked at companies such as Weaveworks, Google, Acunu and XenSource. In his spare time, Tom likes to make craft beer and build home automation systems.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.