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From YouTube: How Standards, Specifications and Runtimes Make for Better Containers


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How Standards, Specifications and Runtimes Make for Better Containers – Chris Aniszczyk, The Linux Foundation/CNCF, Jeffrey Borek, IBM, Rithu Leena John, CoreOS/Red Hat, & Patrick Chanezon, Docker

With the rapid growth of containers over the past few years — including container-based solutions from almost all major IT vendors, cloud providers & emerging start-ups — the industry needs a set of common, open standards & specifications. As the container market — which is poised to reach $2.7 billion by 2020 — flourishes, the fear of lock-in is real. Chris Aniszczyk, Jeffrey Borek, Patrick Chanezon, & Rithu Leena John plan to dive into how standards impact the ecosystem at large; container runtimes like containerd & rkt; how specifications ensure interoperability & neutrality + much more. Attendees will learn about developing/deploying containers and/or learning the benefits of standardization in container environments. They can also expect to hear how contributions to OCI bridge the industry closer to standardized container distribution via runtime and image format specifications.

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