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From YouTube: Intro: TUF/Notary - Justin Cappos, NYU & Justin Cormack, Docker


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Intro: TUF/Notary - Justin Cappos, NYU & Justin Cormack, Docker

Software distribution and packaging systems are rapidly becoming the weak link in the software lifecycle. This talk provides an accessible overview of two CNCF projects (Notary and TUF), that provide what has been roundly described as the most secure mechanism for distributing software. Notary, which implements the TUF specification, signs and transparently validates metadata to enable the system to recover from the compromise of servers, theft of keys, insider attacks, etc. Notary / TUF are surprisingly easy to use and used to provide cutting edge security not only across major cloud companies, but a diverse set of adopters, including automobiles. WARNING: Attending this talk may cause (justifiable) fear in the software update mechanism on your devices!

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