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From YouTube: Don’t Forget the Data When Embarking on Your Journey to Service Meshes - Shriram Rajagopalan, VMware


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Don’t Forget the Data When Embarking on Your Journey to Service Meshes - Shriram Rajagopalan, VMware

It’s no secret that sophisticated enterprises are using data to deliver new value and gain competitive advantage. In the modern application architecture, decentralization of data management results in the data being distributed over a vast surface area across different data stores and locations. At the same time, sensitive data needs to be controlled and protected for compliance with data security and privacy regulations such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR. The service mesh (Istio/Envoy) provides universal observability across the infrastructure. However, there is more work to be done to track how sensitive data flows, provide data-centric policies and telemetry. This talk highlights some of the challenges, describes customer use cases and how adopting a data-centric approach from the beginning is essential in the modern enterprise.

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