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From YouTube: Building Container Images on Your Kubernetes Cluster with Knative Build - Gareth Rushgrove, Docker


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Building Container Images on Your Kubernetes Cluster with Knative Build - Gareth Rushgrove, Docker

One of the components of the recently released Knative project is Knative Build. This introduces the Build and BuiltTemplate objects to the cluster, meaning you can build images and then push them to a registry, all from within your Kubernetes cluster. In this talk we will: * Introduce the new API objects and show how they can be used * Convert an existing project from an existing CI system over to Knative Build, including building source code, running tests and pushing to a container registry * Look at some of the existing build templates using Kaniko, Docker, Buildpacks and more * Show how to write your own build templates and build images * Compare the current workflow with that of different CI systems to better understand what might be built next

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