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From YouTube: Noobernetes 101: Top 10 Questions We Get From New K8s Users - Karthik Gaekwad & Neependra Khare


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Noobernetes 101: Top 10 Questions We Get From New K8s Users - Karthik Gaekwad, Oracle & Neependra Khare, CloudYuga

Neependra and Karthik have Kubernetes 101 courses on edX and that are very popular and have had over 200,000 views. Over time, they’ve received many questions from folks who are new to K8s, after taking the courses, or in training. They want to spend some time elaborating on the most common questions we’ve received, and answer them once in for all! They’ll cover the following faq’s they get over and over again: D21- What kind of services should I use for my applications?+D39- Shouldn’t I be using Istio instead of K8s now? What does K8s buy me when I can use istio?+D19 How can we do capacity planning in K8s? - Why there is a high learning curve in K8s? Isn’t K8s too complicated? - What is the best way to set a development environment with K8s? - and many more You’ll leave with a much better understanding of K8s, the ecosystem, and have the knowledge to take on the cloud native world.

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