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From YouTube: Using Services Outside Kubernetes from Kubernetes with the Service Catalog - Ara Pulido, Bitnami


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Using Services Outside Kubernetes from Kubernetes with the Service Catalog - Ara Pulido, Bitnami

Combining Kubernetes with external services available from public cloud providers can be a powerful way to deploy cloud native applications. Developers can focus on deploying their applications to Kubernetes, while delegating things like database management to a public cloud managed service. The Service Catalog bridges these two worlds by allowing developers instantiate services outside Kubernetes directly from the Kubernetes cluster. In this demo led talk we will show how the Service Catalog allows users to build hybrid applications that use best of breed cloud services and custom made Kubernetes applications running in a Kubernetes cluster. We will demo some public cloud ready Helm Charts and how we can manage these services from Kubeapps, a Kubernetes application dashboard.

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