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From YouTube: Understanding CoreDNS in Kubernetes - John Belamaric, Google & Cricket Liu, Francois Tur, Infoblox


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Understanding CoreDNS in Kubernetes - John Belamaric, Google & Cricket Liu, Francois Tur, Infoblox

In Kubernetes 1.11, CoreDNS is Generally Available (GA) as a DNS-based service discover option. In this presentation, we will go over the default CoreDNS configuration - "Corefile" - used when deploying CoreDNS via kubeadm. This will include a line-by-line discussion of the Corefile and what each option means, and how you can modify or customize the configuration using other features of CoreDNS. You will learn about some of the unique, Kubernetes-specific features in CoreDNS, as well as broader DNS-related features, and how to utilize those in your clusters.

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