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From YouTube: Unified Observability in Kubernetes and Beyond with OpenCensus - Morgan McLean & Jaana Burcu Dogan


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Unified Observability in Kubernetes and Beyond with OpenCensus - Morgan McLean & Jaana Burcu Dogan, Google

Platforms like Kubernetes have allowed developers around the world to develop highly performant and easily configurable distributed systems. However, the techniques that developers have used in the past are no longer as effective in these environments. OpenCensus is designed with this situation in mind: it provides libraries that automatically capture application metrics and distributed traces, attaches the correct service and workload metadata, and sends them to your backend of choice for analysis. In this talk we will: - Instrument a set of microservices, including custom metrics and tie-ins to OpenMetrics - Analyze the telemetry captured from the app with common open-source tools like Prometheus and Jaeger - Demonstrate advanced features like exporting data to multiple backends and changing configuration in realtime without requiring redeployment See for more details.

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