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From YouTube: Securing the Software Supply Chain with in-toto - Santiago Torres-Arias & Justin Cappos, NYU


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Securing the Software Supply Chain with in-toto - Santiago Torres-Arias & Justin Cappos, NYU

The cloud native ecosystem and tooling allows for rapid development and delivery of applications using various services in different configurations in highly-automated software supply chains. Unfortunately, this supply chain has become an attractive target for attacks. An attacker that compromises any of the steps of the supply chain, compromises a dependency or alters the product in transit, can affect all users at once and with devastating consequences. In this talk, we will talk about the current integrations of in-toto in the cloud/container space. In addition, we will cover the existing in-toto toolchains and how they can be used in various scenarios, from supply CI systems like Jenkins, to providers such as GitLab, and beyond. We will showcase these in different real-world use cases with concrete examples inspire attendees on how to secure their supply chain.