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From YouTube: Understanding and Troubleshooting the eBPF Datapath in Cilium - Nathan Sweet, DigitalOcean


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Understanding and Troubleshooting the eBPF Datapath in Cilium - Nathan Sweet, DigitalOcean

The advent of eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filters) has contributed significantly to container networking progress. However, the tooling for diagnosing and troubleshooting eBPF issues is nascent, and most members of the K8s and Linux communities are unfamiliar with it. This talk will help demystify eBPF and cover its history. We'll present the default network datapath of the Linux kernel and contrast it in depth with how various eBPF program types diverge from this datapath. In addition, we'll match up the ways in which cilium implements various CNI and K8s constructs/objects with their eBPF program type, so that you'll be able to identify the right troubleshooting methods easily. Finally, we'll match appropriate methods and tools to the various eBPF program types.