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From YouTube: Building a Dev/Test Loop for a Kubernetes Edge Gateway with Envoy Proxy - Flynn, Datawire


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Building a Dev/Test Loop for a Kubernetes Edge Gateway with Envoy Proxy - Flynn, Datawire

As we worked with the community to build the open source Ambassador API gateway on top of Envoy Proxy we learned a bunch of lessons about our dev/test loop. One of the more unpleasant realities that we’ve had to come to terms with is that writing code is easy. What's hard is making sure it's working, and making sure that it keeps working as changes are made. Over the life of Ambassador we've gone through multiple cycles of adding tests to increase confidence, from simple unit tests to larger integration suites, such as our Kubernetes Acceptance Test (KAT) framework. Several times these tests have become too slow, and then we had to work to speed them up so our velocity doesn't suffer. Join Flynn to learn what we would do again in regard to our dev/test loop if we chose to build another open source tool, and also (more critically), what we would change.