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From YouTube: Containing the Container: Developer Experience vs Strict... Brian Bagdzinski & Sharat Nellutla


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Containing the Container: Developer Experience vs Strict Security Posture - Brian Bagdzinski & Sharat Nellutla, Verizon

Within Verizon IT we manage multiple multi-tenant Kubernetes clusters across on-prem and multiple clouds hosting hundreds of applications. Containers, Kubernetes, and cloud-native are central pillars: both for our application modernization strategy, and for our north star architecture. However we operate in a highly regulated environment, and our security posture is such that our developers are not permitted to run tools locally that might be considered essential to deliver on this strategy: Docker and Minikube! In this talk we will candidly discuss how we are evolving the developer experience in this space, despite the security constraints, leveraging open source tooling such as Skaffold, Harbor, Kaniko, and Jib.