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From YouTube: Keynote: Finding the Joy in Chaos Engineering - Ana Medina & Lenny Sharpe


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Keynote: Finding the Joy in Chaos Engineering - Ana Medina, Chaos Engineer, Gremlin & Lenny Sharpe, Director of Engineering, Target

Learn how Target and Gremlin have built a resiliency engineering capability that enables teams to build more reliable systems. Hear how developing a strong culture around Chaos Engineering has paid off at Target. We'll share our journey from experimenting locally to running multi-team GameDays. Chaos Engineering is a disciplined approach to identifying failures before they become outages. By proactively testing how a system responds under stress, you can identify and fix failures before they end up in the news. Chaos Engineering lets you compare what you think will happen to what actually happens in your systems. You literally break things on purpose to learn how to build more reliable systems. Lenny Sharpe walks you through Chaos Engineering at Target, covering the tools and practices you need to implement Chaos Engineering with Kubernetes in your organization. Even if you’re already using Chaos Engineering, you’ll learn to identify new ways to use the practice to improve the reliability of your network and services. Ana Medina will share a demonstration of how you can practice Chaos Engineering on Kubernetes and use it to improve the reliability of your systems. She gets you started using Chaos Engineering with your own team and gives you the tools to measure success. She will also demonstrate how GameDay environments can be used to learn about Chaos Engineering. She explains how to practice Chaos Engineering on AWS EKS, GCP GKE, Azure AKS and your own homegrown Kubernetes environments. Some advanced topics you’ll cover include how to use monitoring tools combined with Chaos Engineering to help you create reliable distributed systems, where you can learn more, and how to join the Chaos Engineering community.