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From YouTube: Running Istio and Kubernetes On-prem at Yahoo Scale - Suresh Visvanathan & Mrunmayi Dhume, Verizon


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Running Istio and Kubernetes On-prem at Yahoo Scale - Suresh Visvanathan & Mrunmayi Dhume, Verizon

At Yahoo!, there are 18+ production grade Kubernetes(K8s) clusters and my team operates one of the largest on-prem K8s clusters handling 150K+ containers, 500+ applications and serving 1Million+ request per second. Mission critical Applications, such as Yahoo! Sports/Finance/Home are deployed and enabled by K8s/Istio platforms. The journey started 2 years ago as a ‘proof of concept’ with K8s and signing up for ‘early engagement program’ with Istio team to adopt Istio/Envoy to modernize our stack and move towards micro service architecture. During this journey, 1.Build Identity platform which provide unique identity for workloads 2.Enabled workload with sidecar envoy proxy and integrated with in-house Custom CA & RBAC for authN/Z 3. Build tools to manage both Istio & K8s cluster at scale.This talk will detail how K8s and Istio/Envoy used to deploy/secure/connect workloads @ Yahoo Scale.