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From YouTube: Take Envoy Beyond a K8s Service Mesh - to Legacy Bare Metal & VMs + More - Steve Sloka & Steven Wong


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Take Envoy Beyond a K8s Service Mesh - to Legacy Bare Metal and VMs + More - Steve Sloka & Steven Wong, VMware

Envoy’s mission is to extract network and communication security code from applications in a way that developers and users can deploy components that just work no matter where they run or what hosts them. This session will show how to leverage Envoy to achieve interoperation of applications and services, split across Kubernetes and traditional VM or bare metal hosts. We’ll look at how to incrementally bring Kubernetes into an existing application architecture based on existing VM or bare metal applications and services. Specific examples will demonstrate: - Using Contour with Envoy as an Ingress and load balancer solution with a richer feature set than some common alternatives - Sending requests from VM workloads to Kubernetes services - Direct requests to services running on a VM from Kubernetes - Dynamical traffic steering - K8s and VM workloads at the same time