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From YouTube: Going Beyond the Node – Using VK to Realize Crazy Ideas - Brian Goff & Deep Kapur


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Going Beyond the Node – Using VK to Realize Crazy Ideas - Brian Goff, Microsoft & Deep Kapur , Microsoft

Virtual-kubelet is an open source kubelet implementation that allows users to extend Kuberentes in multiple, crazy ways. A couple examples include, a provider to order Dominos pizza, or to spin out workloads to a satellite in space. This talk will go through the inner workings of virtual-kubelet (vk) and how users can build their own providers to leverage the flexibility that vk offers. Contributors to the virtual-kubelet have been working on new features past 1.0, this talk will also give a roadmap of what’s to come. Azure will also share their experiences with writing a provider for virtual-kubelet and the use-cases associated with it.