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From YouTube: Staying in Tune: Optimize Kubernetes for Stability and Util... Randy Johnson & Koushik Radhakrishnan


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Staying in Tune: Optimize Kubernetes for Stability and Utilization - Randy Johnson & Koushik Radhakrishnan, VMware

Kubernetes provides a number of primitives to manage resource consumption. Implementing resource limits, requests and quotas are often the first steps taken to solve this problem at the pod or namespace level. However, the behaviour of an overall Kubernetes cluster as it nears capacity and the parameters available to tune it are often overlooked. To ensure optimal stability and utilization of a cluster, users must learn how to implement, test and manage these parameters over time. With their field engineering work done for healthcare and financial customers, Randy and Koushik have gathered valuable lessons on how one should approach this problem.This talk will illustrate how you should approach resource limits, resource requests, eviction policies and node allocatable constraints to get the most out of your Kubernetes clusters.