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From YouTube: Service Discovery With Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: Introduction to CoreDNS - Yong Tang, MobileIron


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Service Discovery With Hybrid and Multi-Cloud: Introduction to CoreDNS - Yong Tang, MobileIron

CoreDNS is a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery. While best known for its ability to serve as the cluster DNS of Kubernetes, CoreDNS is also capable of service discovery in hybrid or multi-cloud environments. The flexibility and extensibility of CoreDNS comes from its unique plugin-based architecture. With plugins such as Route53, Azure, or Google Cloud DNS, CoreDNS exposes services from Kubernetes clusters and cloud service providers in similar fashion. In this Intro session, the focus is it to discuss service discovery in a hybrid environment. Several interesting Corefile configurations will be shared, which are very useful in production usage. The updates on the current state and the road map of CoreDNS, and how CoreDNS as a project could be extended for usages beyond DNS, will be discussed as well.