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From YouTube: Into the Deep Waters of API Machinery - Federico Bongiovanni & Daniel Smith, Google, & David Eads


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Into the Deep Waters of API Machinery - Federico Bongiovanni & Daniel Smith, Google, & David Eads, Stefan Schimanski, Red Hat

We'll cover 3 common icebergs with lightning talks: 1) My namespace won't delete, help! Why does Kubernetes sometimes refuse to delete a namespace? How to diagnose and resolve the root cause. 2) What is REST mappinp? Ever wonder how you're supposed to go from singular to plural, why we did it, and how to deal with it? What happens when two CRDs choose the same name? 3) Taking out the trash: Garbage Collection in Kubernetes. We'll explain how OwnerRefs, BlockOwnerDeletion, Foreground, Background, and GracePeriod work.