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From YouTube: CNCF Serverless WG: CloudEvents and Serverless Workflow - Doug Davis, IBM & Tihomir Surdilovic


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CNCF Serverless WG: CloudEvents and Serverless Workflow - Doug Davis, IBM & Tihomir Surdilovic, Red Hat

In this session the Serverless WG will update the community on the CloudEvents and Serverless Workflow specifications. In this talk we will look into the importance of using workflows in event-driven, distributed applications. Then we will look at the specifics of the Serverless Workflow specification and what benefits it brings you for solving real-world business problems. We will also present a demo showing off the Serverless Workflow declarative markup in action. What will you learn: * Pros/Cons of using workflow-based orchestration in your event-driven, distributed applications * Benefits of using a specification-based workflow markup * How Serverless Workflow can improve portability of your apps * How to get started using Serverless Workflow