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From YouTube: Being a Good Citizen of the Multi-operator World - Devdatta Kulkarni, CloudARK


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Being a Good Citizen of the Multi-operator World - Devdatta Kulkarni, CloudARK

DevOps teams are increasingly using multiple Kubernetes Operators in their clusters. What does it take to develop an Operator that is a good citizen of the multi-Operator world? The talk focuses on this question. To develop an Operator that plays nicely with other Operators in a cluster, Operator developers need to consider various aspects like, what should go in Custom Resource Spec definition, in the CRD YAML and in the Operator's Helm chart? To help Operator developers build Operators that are good citizen of the multi-Operator world, we have developed a framework named as, Operator Maturity Model ( Community Operators like DataStax Cassandra, PressLabs MySQL, Elastic ELK, Cert Manager have benefited from this model. The talk will cover this framework for the broader benefit.