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From YouTube: The Open Source Revolution: How Kubernetes is Changing the Games Industry - Dominic Green


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The Open Source Revolution: How Kubernetes is Changing the Games Industry - Dominic Green, Netspeak Games

Traditional multiplayer game development involves dozens if not hundreds of engineers over several years building custom made backends - often from scratch. Companies have recently moved to GCP or AWS but most games infrastructure runs on metal - often using multiple providers. Cost, latency & security are all cited as the primary deciding factors when architecting a modern online game; but a new vector is emerging - speed. Specifically, speed of development; how fast can you FIND the game to make is the new race that modern games companies are finding themselves in & the open-source ecosystem is going to be their new best friend. Dominic Green will run through how Netspeak Games has taken advantage of cloud-native technologies and built out their games infrastructure on top of Kubernetes, Agones & Open Source Software - building an MMO that supports 100,000s of concurrent players.