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From YouTube: Serverless Workflow – New Approach to Container Orchestration - Tihomir Surdilovic


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Serverless Workflow – New Approach to Container Orchestration - Tihomir Surdilovic & Ricardo Zanini Fernandes, Red Hat

With the rise of Serverless Architectures, Workflows have gained a renewed interest and usefulness. Typically thought of as centralized and monolithic, they now play a key role in service and events orchestration and coordination. With many different architecture approaches already in place, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has started an initiative to specify Serverless Workflows Specification to ensure portability and vendor neutrality. In this talk, we introduce the CNCF Serverless Workflow specification and provide examples and demos running on Kubernetes and Kogito, Red Hat’s business automation toolkit. You will learn: * The what, why, and how of the CNCF Serverless Workflow specification * Why using the Serverless Workflow specification and orchestration can improve your serverless architecture * Define and deploy Serverless Workflow custom resources on Kubernetes