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From YouTube: Making the Business Case for Contributing to Open Source - Tobie Langel, UnlockOpen


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Making the Business Case for Contributing to Open Source - Tobie Langel, UnlockOpen

Today, pretty much all companies have embraced open source. But while they’re all keen to use open source, at lot fewer actually contribute to it. And yet, there’s real value in doing so. Companies use their contribution to open source to boost recruiting (Facebook claims 75% of their new engineering recruits mention Facebook’s open source program as a key reason they accepted their offer), increase their market, build a moat around their business, or position themselves as leaders in their field. In this talk, we’ll look at the different ways contributing to open source can benefit a business and become a competitive advantage. We’ll look at the open source strategies of different companies, big and small, and provide you with the knowledge to start building a business case for open source in your own company.