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From YouTube: Helm: Past, Present, Future - Matt Butcher & Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft, & Matt Farina


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Helm: Past, Present, Future - Matt Butcher & Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft, & Matt Farina, Rancher Labs

What will Helm 4 look like? To get there, we need to go back to the beginning. In this talk, we cover the history of the Helm project from its early hackathon days through the tumultuous refactorings as Helm worked its way to becoming a graduated CNCF project. There were good times. There were rough times. And throughout, we had to continually ask ourselves what exactly we were trying to build. In the aftermath of Helm 3, we have reached new levels of clarity about where we want to go, and how we want to build a tool that continues to serve the needs of the Kubernetes community.