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From YouTube: How We Reduced Write Latency in TiKV? - Liqi Geng, PingCAP


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How We Reduced Write Latency in TiKV? - Liqi Geng, PingCAP

Serving write requests in stable and low average latency is what many distributed databases pursue. So does TiKV, a distributed transactional Key-Value database. After a detailed investigation, Liqi Geng and his team found that TiKV’s write performance might be restricted by many factors. Among all these factors, the raftstore module might be the one that causes delay the worst. In order to optimize write latency, TiKV team plans to lower tail latency, in addition to reducing the average write latency, to make sure the overall latency is consistent and low. In this talk, Liqi Geng will walk you through TiKV’s architecture and share the optimization measures he and his team have used in the raftstore module to reduce the average write latency and tail latency, such as Asynchronous IO and other optimizing trials.