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From YouTube: Automated, Distributed Systems Testing for Kubernetes Controllers - Lalith Suresh & Xudong Sun


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Automated, Distributed Systems Testing for Kubernetes Controllers - Lalith Suresh, VMware & Xudong Sun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Kubernetes ecosystem has thousands of controller implementations for different applications and platform capabilities. A controller’s correctness is therefore critical, and yet, can be compromised by myriad factors, such as asynchrony in the overall distributed system, unexpected failures, networking issues, and controller restarts. This in turn can lead to severe safety violations, such as incorrectly deleting StatefulSets and PVCs. Controller-developers unfortunately lack automated testing tools to harden their code against these conditions. In this talk, Xudong Sun and Lalith Suresh will describe common bug patterns in Kubernetes controllers. They will also present an automated testing tool called Sieve, which systematically tests Kubernetes controllers to harden them against the aforementioned scenarios. Sieve has already discovered (and led to fixes for) several safety-critical bugs in popular Kubernetes controllers for Zookeeper, Cassandra, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, XtraDB, etc.