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From YouTube: Native Instrumentation for Open Source Software with OpenTelemetry - Ted Young & Ludmila Molkova


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Native Instrumentation for Open Source Software with OpenTelemetry - Ted Young, Lightstep & Ludmila Molkova, Microsoft

If you write OSS software, you may have noticed that it can be surprisingly difficult to provide logs and metrics to the users who run your libraries. OpenTelemetry is designed to solve this problem. OpenTelemetry allows OSS projects – web frameworks, databases, message queues – to move beyond testing and begin to participate in runtime observability, while still giving their end users control over where and how the data is processed. In this session, we will cover: The benefits of OpenTelemetry instrumentation. Guidelines for natively instrumenting your OSS library. Tricky parts, gotchas, and how to minimize them. We will also briefly cover the current state of OpenTelemetry project: Which APIs are currently stable, and what long term support means. Methods for combining tracing and metrics to simplify instrumentation. How to get involved with the native instrumentation effort in OpenTelemetry.