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From YouTube: Building Prometheus Metrics Support in OpenTelemetry - Alolita Sharma, Amazon


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Building Prometheus Metrics Support in OpenTelemetry - Alolita Sharma, Amazon

Speakers: Alolita Sharma
OpenTelemetry is a popular open source, cloud-native observability framework with more than 900 active contributors from over 200 organizations. OpenTelemetry components and libraries can be used to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data to monitor and understand application and infrastructure behavior. OpenTelemetry contributors are building a stable metrics pipeline currently. This means the OpenTelemetry data model and components including the Collector and language libraries are being enhanced to provide full interoperability with Prometheus and features to support both delta and cumulative metrics. Join in for this talk to learn about design and implementation to ensure a complete metrics pipeline with full Prometheus interoperability. This talk will discuss the Prometheus remote-write push pipeline and enhancements in the Prometheus receiver, remote-write exporter, core Collector and OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) to ensure full Prometheus metrics compatibility.