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From YouTube: Flux's Roadmap to General Availability - Hidde Beydals & Michael Bridgen, Weaveworks


Don’t miss out! Join us at our next event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 in Valencia, Spain from May 17-20. Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.

Flux's Roadmap to General Availability - Hidde Beydals & Michael Bridgen, Weaveworks

The past year has been an important one for Flux and GitOps. The team has built a new Flux made of multiple controllers that are now seeing production use. The project has matured and is on its way to General Availability. Flux v2's core is a set of precise API’s for controlling and delegating every element of a GitOps platform. A single Flux install can now work with many parts of multiple git repositories, and Flux is more usable and observable than ever. The project has first-class support for popular technologies like Kustomize, Helm, Prometheus, SOPS, GitHub, and GitLab, and it provides extension points in all areas to integrate with other technologies and platforms, much like Kubernetes itself. This session will consist of a cool 15 minute demo of common and novel Flux use-cases that show just much progress the community has made. Join in afterwards for a 20 minute discussion on the remaining roadmap items for the v2.0.0 GA release candidates.