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From YouTube: Measuring K8s Network Performance - Kornilios Kourtis, Isovalent


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Measuring K8s Network Performance - Kornilios Kourtis, Isovalent

Benchmarking is hard. Benchmarking K8s networking doubly so. Measuring the performance of K8s networking is the only reliable means for users to understand the capabilities and limitations of their, often unique, infrastructure. Furthermore, benchmarking allows for informed decisions by quantifying the tradeoffs of different stacks and investigating how performance goals can be met in the most cost-effective way. Yet, it is a hard endeavor. Both the software (from the OS to the application) and the hardware (from the CPU to the NIC) stacks are extremely complicated beasts, rendering results confusing or even misguiding. This talk aims to guide practitioners to properly measure k8s network performance. Specifically we will discuss: - How different workloads and metrics can be used to answer different questions - Setting up and executing benchmarks - Common pitfalls we have encountered in practice, and how to avoid them - Validating and interpreting results