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From YouTube: Manage More Clusters with Less Hassle, with Argo CD Application Sets - Jonathan West & Kshama Jain


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Manage More Clusters with Less Hassle, with Argo CD Application Sets - Jonathan West, Red Hat & Kshama Jain, Independent Contributor

Many organizations have discovered the advantages of using Argo CD and a GitOps workflow to manage their Kubernetes clusters, with Git repositories as the source of truth for defining the desired application state, and Argo CD responsible for keeping the cluster synchronized with those repositories. However, managing deployments of large numbers of applications/clusters with Argo CD requires complex custom scripting to keep those Applications in sync. The newly released Argo CD ApplicationSet controller aims to solve this problem, by working alongside Argo CD to automatically generate Application deployments using templates and parameterization: manage multiple Kubernetes clusters at once, deploy large numbers of applications from multiples respositories, and more. Best of all, the entire deployment is managed by only a single ApplicationSet Kubernetes custom resource, which means no more juggling of numerous Argo CD Application resources to target those multiple clusters/repos.