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From YouTube: Faster Container Image Distribution on a Variety of Tools with Lazy... - Kohei Tokunaga & Tao Peng


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Faster Container Image Distribution on a Variety of Tools with Lazy Pulling - Kohei Tokunaga, NTT Corporation & Tao Peng, Ant Financial

Pull is known as one of the time-consuming steps in the container lifecycle. One of the root causes is the current OCI Image Specification because it can't run containers before the entire image contents become locally available. In this session, Kohei and Tao introduce state-of-the-art OCI-alternative image formats discussed in the community for speeding up pulling images, especially putting the focus on eStargz and nydus. These formats enable "lazy pulling" that allows container runtime to startup a container without waiting for the entire image. Over the past year, lazy pulling has been available on more and more container-related tools including Kubernetes, containerd, CRI-O, Podman, BuildKit, etc. So they will show how widely these image formats can be used on these tools in daily activity. eStargz has been proposed to OCI Image Specification as an extension and nydus has so to the next version of that spec (a.k.a. OCIv2). The talk will also share the discussion status.