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From YouTube: Helm: The Charts and the Curious - Karena Angell, Paul Czarkowski, Andrew Block & Scott Rigby


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Helm: The Charts and the Curious - Karena Angell, Paul Czarkowski & Andrew Block, Red Hat; Scott Rigby, Weaveworks

Have you ever wondered, how can I improve the processes and tooling around my Helm Chart development and distribution? Just like with a programming language, there are OSS projects in the Helmiverse, such as linters, testing tools, and automation you can use to help you with charts. In this session, you’ll learn about some of these tools and how you can use them to improve your workflow and CI automation. Along the way you’ll learn about supply chain security, GitHub actions, YAML validation, tools you can use in any CI system, and more. Charts are at the heart of using Helm, in this session you’ll learn how to have a healthier heart.