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From YouTube: Function to Container - Building a FaaS Experience - Evan Anderson, VMware


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Function to Container - Building a FaaS Experience - Evan Anderson, VMware

Function as a Service (FaaS) is a hot topic in serverless and cloud computing at the moment, and there are a variety of open-source and CNCF projects which provide some level of serverless capability. Many of these open-source serverless solutions actually operate at the level of the container abstraction, which makes them a powerful bridge for traditional application models, but sacrifices the simplicity of the "functions" approach. Function buildpacks aim to provide this developer simplicity by injecting both a main method and invocation glue such as an HTTP server into the application code before building a container image. Unlike traditional buildpacks which aim to package a complete application with specific protocol bindings specified by the developer, function buildpacks rely on inversion of control to adapt business logic (in the form of a CloudEvents-processing function) to the protocol needs of the application.