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From YouTube: k8snetlook – Root-Causing k8s Network Problems in an Automated Way - Arun Sriraman, VMware


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k8snetlook – Root-Causing k8s Network Problems in an Automated Way - Arun Sriraman, VMware

More and more applications in production call Kubernetes their home. As the density of workloads on a Kubernetes cluster increases, so does the probability of downtime due to an underlying network issue. Some of the most common quibbles we hear from users: I can’t connect to my service A running within a K8s cluster or my service A seems to not be responding some % of the time. What do you do in these situations; Do you call the network gurus to help out, or kubectl delete the application and let Kubernetes self heal? What if you could identify an issue without needing to master the internals of K8s Networking? Arun will go over the various issues seen in the data plane, from dns, external traffic to internal app-to-app communication, and then discuss open source tools available to identify these issues in real time. We will look at k8snetlook - a simple open source tool that empowers every Kubenretes user; expert or otherwise, to root cause these issues in an automated way.