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From YouTube: SIG Events: Using CloudEvents to Create an Interoperable CI/CD Ecosystem - Andrea Frittoli, IBM


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SIG Events: Using CloudEvents to Create an Interoperable CI/CD Ecosystem - Andrea Frittoli, IBM

With more organizations adopting a Cloud-Native architecture and microservices, continuous delivery has evolved from mere best practices to an indispensable tool to swiftly and reliably bring new features in front of customers. The CI/CD landscape is rich and diverse, with tools like Keptn, Flux and Argo that offer opinionated solutions to specific problems. Organizations rely on various ones to address their automation requirements, but they lack a way to consistently orchestrate, monitor and measure their overall workflow. There is a real need for interoperability and standardization in the CI/CD space: solving this problem is the mission of the Events Special Interest Group at the CD foundation. The speakers will present their work at the SIG in establishing a shared dictionary and set of CloudEvents, a “lingua franca” for tools to understand each other and collaborate to solve a wide range of scenarios. They will demonstrate using shared events to let existing tools work together.