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From YouTube: Panel Discussion: OpenGitOps and the GitOps Working Group


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Panel Discussion: OpenGitOps and the GitOps Working Group - Cornelia Davis, Amazon; Dan Garfield, Codefresh; Christian Hernandez, Red Hat; Chris Sanders, Microsoft; Leonardo Murillo, Weaveworks

Hundreds of organizations today are leveraging GitOps to successfully run and manage complex software systems, benefitting from its inherent modern development best practices as well as the tools that implement its responsive continuous deployments. GitOps adoption has seen dozens of companies innovate to offer solutions, and inspired several open source projects including Argo and Flux, both CNCF projects. With innovation accelerating and the number of stakeholders increasing, the time has come for a clear, vendor-neutral definition of GitOps. Inspired by increased interest and informed by years of working toward solutions, a CNCF GitOps Working Group was formed in 2020 to discover and standardize the definition of GitOps and its principles. This group will also focus on interoperability between tools, conformance, and certification. Join us for a panel discussion with members from several of the founding organizations to learn about GitOps, OpenGitOps, and future work.