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From YouTube: Putting Into Practice the Skills You've Learned Contributing to Kubernetes - Kiran Oliver, Camunda


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Putting Into Practice the Skills You've Learned Contributing to Kubernetes - Kiran Oliver, Camunda

Contributing to Kubernetes, learning how the community functions, and understanding the key pillars that make this large open source project, and its surrounding community a success may seem like a mystery. The secret is actually no secret at all: It’s about the people behind the project, working tirelessly and making things happen day in, and day out. It is a recurring challenge for many new open source developers to apply the skills they’ve learned when contributing to Kubernetes to the real world, particularly if they are new to the industry, changing careers, or are skilling up in their current role. This talk helps to bring clarity to the questions, “How can I truly use what I’ve learned contributing to Kubernetes to improve my career outlook long-term?” and “How can I use these skills to improve the communities, ecosystems, and other open source projects I’m a part of?”