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From YouTube: Storage and Networking: Rook on Multus - Sébastien Han & Rohan Gupta, Red Hat


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Storage and Networking: Rook on Multus - Sébastien Han & Rohan Gupta, Red Hat

Networking plays an important role in the world of baremetal cloud storage. I/O on devices are dependent on network latency. Rook-Ceph now makes use of multus to better utilize host network interfaces for Ceph Public and Cluster Networks. Having dedicated networks for storage boosts performance. This talk will introduce Ceph public and cluster networks and their use cases, the requirement of dedicated networks in baremetal environment, HostNetworking vs Multus, defining network-attachment-definitions, and how Rook-Ceph utilizes it. It will also include a demo showing an already running cluster utilizing multus networks and we will compare the performance with and without multus. By the end of the talk, you'll know the perks of using private and cluster networks, when to use them, and will be able to create a basic networking setup for Rook-Ceph.