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From YouTube: OpenTelemetry: Meet the Community, Build the Roadmap - Morgan, Daniel, Ted, Alolita


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OpenTelemetry: Meet the Community, Build the Roadmap - Morgan McLean, Splunk; Daniel Dyla, Dynatrace; Ted Young, Lightstep; Alolita Sharma, Apple

Speakers: Ted Young, Alolita Sharma, Morgan McLean, Daniel Dyla
This session is for anyone interested in observability or OpenTelemetry to learn more about the project, and to meet and discuss our status and roadmap with maintainers! We will begin with a brief presentation of our recent releases and roadmap for the next year, followed by in-person feedback from users and maintainers, and we will finish with a panel discussion hosted by governance committee members, technical committee members, and maintainers. This session provides a forum for end-users, contributors, and maintainers to meet in person, discuss the project's successes, improve our processes as a community, and to collaborate on the overall project roadmap.